Friday, November 6, 2009

Costume jelewery or pearls? hmmm....

This week has been one "reflective" week for me, not real sure why, can't think of a particular thing that triggered it.. just has been! I have found myself Indian style on the floor looking through High School Pictures, seeing old friends, old traditions, old memories.... makes me think that even though I graduated 3 years ago, that life has changed dramatically! Take for instance, as i was getting ready for work this morning, I was digging through my "neat clean" jewelry box with all types of fun interesting pieces of jewelry to go with my outfit, and decided on my pearls my grandmother gave me! Don't ask me why pearls made me feel "classy", because if this was school, my "pumps" would match my costume jewelry, would match my hair bow, my belt, purse, etc.... and not in the most dull colors either! .... I love my pearls, but wouldn't have dreamed of wearing them 2 years ago.. Small I know, and I know I'll go right back to my costume jewelry, but it just caught my attention that i chose pearls!! Guess it's just what I'm favoring now.. hmm... Any of you ever noticed small things that have changed or matured? My necklace decision was of course small.. but as i examined my life "since" high school, i notice a huge 180 change!

Which isn't a "bad" thing, just something I've pondered on... I found myself now making decisions and planning for things and realizing.. Wow, I must be getting old... Life has gone so fast since the memory i have of learning how to ride my bike, starting middle school, homecoming, proms and so on. It feels good to move from that stage, and leave some of those memories in the past. God has cleared a different path for me to go down, and I'll follow that where ever he leads me! He's blessed me and amazed me this past year of where my life was in January to where I am now! I live on my own (never thought that would happen), dating the Love of my Life, (he's a real life prince charming.. they really do exist) and growing spiritually everyday! I've learned "life long friends" are fewer than i thought in high school, bills exist and come way to often if you ask me, and the SALE rack at Target is my new "name band"... forget AE and A&F... and payless here i come.......

I just pray as I continue "growing up" I'll be a strong woman of faith and make those decision hand in hand with my creator!

One thing that I'll never move on from is my family! I love my family more than they know, and even my extended family is a little crazy, i love and look forward to Thanksgiving... and hey, who knows I might even wear my pearls!!

Halee Renee